Gutter Cleaning for Water Tanks

Do you have a water tank?

Do you know what is in your gutters that feeds your water tank?

Regular gutter cleaning will ensure that your tank water will be less likely to have contaminates like bacteria, faecal matter, insects, sludge from the bottom of your gutter and general leaf and debris.

Are you collecting tank water? What do your gutters look like? Have regular gutter cleans to keep your tank water clean

You can also install systems that flush the first flow of rain water away from the tank. This allows the fresh water to then fill the tank. But if your gutters are full of debris then the water is still passing through this matter and into the tank.

A solution is regular gutter cleaning. If you have many trees in the area you could also install gutter flow. Gutter Flow is a brush like gutter guard that is easily removed for the ease of gutter cleaning. The debris collects on top and blows away in the wind. With any gutter guard, you will still need to clean your gutter, but this will help keep the debris from sitting in the gutter. Water passes through the bristles below.

This type of gutter guard will also deter small rodents from living in your gutter and eaves. They don’t like the spikey feeling of gutter flow and can’t get to the food source in the gutter. Therefore, they are likely to find elsewhere to take up residence.

Give Gutter-Vac Tasmania a call 1300 654 253 and see what we can do for you.

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