Happy Devonport Gutter Cleaning Customer

Sensational result, the gutters have never been so clean. We used to spend hours hand cleaning gutters, we will never do this again. We have gutter Vac booked in every 6 months” Dion, Devonport Tas

As you can see, Dion is very happy that he found Gutter-Vac Tasmania. Trying to keep on top of that amount of debris is such a task and time consuming.  Hand cleaning the gutters would never have had the gutters as clear as you can get with the vacuum unit either. So now his gutters are clear and not lined with a sludge matter that can corrode the gutter. He has elected to have a six monthly clean and this will definitely prolong the life of his gutter and roof, as the debris was accumulating there also.

Before the vacuum gutter clean                           After the gutter clean

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