Chris and Therese from Gutter-Vac Tasmania
recommend homes in bushfire-prone areas have
roof gutters professionally cleaned before summer
“Debris in gutters acts as kindling for embers to start
house fires,” said Chris and Therese.
“You don’t want full gutters when fires are on the horizon.
“Just because we’ve had a wet winter, we can’t be
“Leaves become tinder-dry over summer.”
Bushfire and Natural Hazards, Cooperative Research
Centre CEO Dr Richard Thornton is quoted in an ABC
news article advising the public that “any day in an
environment where it is dry, where you have high winds,
warmer temperatures, low humidity, will be a day that a
fire can start that could potentially impact on communities”.
“As we head through spring, become proactive in
preparing for bush fire season,” recommend Chris and
Fire authorities recommend gutters are cleaned regularly
to help protect properties and reduce the spread of fire.
“Residents who live in high-risk areas are urged to put
together a fire plan and take practical steps around the
home,” said Chris and Therese.
“Scarily, 90 per cent of homes in a bushfire are lost
due to an ember attack, whereby spot fires are ignited
by twigs, leaves or bark embers carried by the wind.
“These embers can land in a home’s guttering and
ignite the property.
“Vacuum cleaning your gutters prior to bushfire season
will ensure that this flammable fuel is removed and
your property is safer.
“It is a busy time for gutter cleaning, so book early and
get the job done.”
Be proactive and call the gutter cleaning specialists on