Bushfires can be many miles away and still affect communities.
The smoke is the most obvious indicator of fires. It can be very hazardous to asthmatics and people with respiratory issues. There are large particles that irritate the eyes, nose, throat and lungs which causes coughing and uneasy breathing and sore eyes. When there are finer particles entering deep in the lungs, much more damage is caused.
The wind brings the smoke and with the wind, fine embers from the fire, known as ember attack.
Burning debris, such as, leaves, twigs and bark, are carried with the wind and can land on dry material that can spark, creating another fire. In Australia, the bark on trees are considered the most dangerous source for ember attack. The Stringybark Eucalypt is well-known for dropping large sections of bark caught alight.
This is why it is so important to have a bushfire prevention plan in place. You need to be ready to prevent the embers attacking your home. Clear any dry, flammable materials, that are a fire hazard, away from your home; ie in your gutters, materials lying around the yard or dispose of any green waste from yard work. Store flammable chemicals according to code. Make sure your sprinkler system is maintained and working if you have one.
Summer is near and it is time to think about clearing up the debris from winter before it becomes dry and flammable.