A Gutter Clean After Three Years in Lindisfarne

Gutter-Vac Tasmania Cleaning Under Gutter Guard

We recently attended a gutter clean that required us to remove the existing gutter guard and vacuum clean the gutter and then refit the guard.

It had been three years since the gutter had last had a clean on this property.

As this is a rental property, we send a reminder to the agent that it is due a gutter clean. They then contact the owner for approval. Once received a work order is provided and we complete the clean.

Gutter-Vac Tasmania Gutter Cleaning under Gutter Guard

The real estate then receives a report and before and after photos. This information can be filed and a portfolio can be created on the maintenance of each properties gutter cleaning.

We have had feedback from the real estate and property management managers that these reminders are very helpful in the process of each agents day to day  managing of properties.

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