Considering gutter guards? Here’s what you need to know

Gutter guards can be a highly effective way of reducing leaf litter and large debris in your gutters, but they’re no substitute for regular cleaning, and like any product, some gutter guards are better than others.

If you’re considering investing in gutter guards, here’s what you need to know.

What is a gutter guard?

Gutter guards come in a number of forms, some more effective than others. Some are simple mesh that sit over the top of your gutters, others are like a long brush featuring bristles that are placed inside the gutter, while some are permanently affixed to the top of your gutters and made from lightweight metal.

Their main aim is to stop large debris like leaf litter and twigs from making their way into your gutters in the first place.

Ultimately, the right gutter guard may reduce the volume of build-up in your gutter system, particularly if your property is in a highly vegetated area. But contrary to popular belief they don’t eliminate the need for cleaning, and some types of gutter guards are preferred over others.  

Cleaning is still required

No matter what type of gutter guard you employ, your gutters will still need to be cleaned on a regular basis. That’s because no guard can entirely filter out all debris such as dust, dirt and sludge. If they did, they wouldn’t allow the water in and then channel it away from your house.

The style of guard counts

Although there are a wealth of gutter guard choices available, when considering which option is right for you, a number of factors need to be taken into account.

Ideally, a guard will:

  • Keep large debris like leaf litter out
  • Deter vermin and pests
  • Still allow water to freely flow through the gutter system
  • Be readily removed for cleaning
  • Stay in place between cleaning

Permanent is not preferable

These days there are a range of permanent gutters guards available which are affixed to the gutters of a property. These are not ideal for a number of reasons.

When a gutter guard is permanently installed, it makes it harder to access for cleaning, and, make no mistake, beneath the permanent mesh sediment will eventually build up. Ultimately, this sediment can block and add unnecessary weight to your gutter system.

In the interim a permanent structure over the top of your gutters offers an ideal environment for vermin to hide, and that can have serious ramifications.

Vermin, like rats, frogs or snakes can impact the quality of tank water. They can also block the drainage, and should they perish in that confined space, they will need to be removed.

The right solution

As experts in gutter cleaning, Gutter-Vac offers a unique and purpose-designed gutter guard solution in the form of Gutter-Flow. Our Gutter-Flow guards are designed to accommodate the free-flow of water, are easily removed, deter vermin, and reduce the build-up of large debris in your gutter system.

They are also simple to install and more affordable than many people imagine.

Whether you’re looking to install the system yourself or wish Gutter-Vac to assist with a hassle-free installation, you can learn more about Gutter-Flow here.

About Gutter-Vac

Gutter-Vac is a national company proudly offering the highest quality technicians in the gutter cleaning industry. Each of our technicians is equipped with specialised training in Gutter-Vac’s vacuum technology and provides quality customer service with an emphasis on safety.

You can learn more about our services here, or contact us directly to book your next gutter or tank clean.

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