After the devasting fires last year, we thought it would be helpful to give you a clear list of things you can do around your home to be prepared for fires this season. The peak of the bushfire season will be upon us soon, so make sure you take the time to get your home “fire ready”.
- Let’s start with an obvious one….. make sure your gutters and roof are cleaned of debris. Remember that this is not only to take away potential fuel for a fire, but also remember that if a fire is approaching, you can block off your downpipes and then fill your gutters with water as a protection measure for your home.
- Prepare firebreaks – especially if you live near bush land or on a rural property
- Remove lower hanging tree branches
- Clear long grass, leaves and twigs and shrubs from around your house
- Store any petrol or fuels away from the house
- If you have smoke detectors, fire extinguishers or any other protective equipment, check and make sure it is in good working order
- Move timber (for example a wood pile) away from the house
- Keep grass cut short
- Water lawns, plants, shrubs and trees near your home to keep them green (especially in the summer months)
- Make sure house is safe with wire screens and shutters and ensure all gaps to the house are filled.
- Enclose any open areas under the house
- Repair or cover any gaps on external walls
- If you can or in a high danger area, consider attaching a fire sprinkler system to your gutters
- Check your hoses for cracks and also ensure you have hoses that are long enough to reach around your house
- If you have a dam, pool or other water source, put up signs on your driveway entrance stating you have a Static Water Supply which is useful for fire services in an emergency
- Make sure your insurances are up to date and cover you for emergency events
- Create an emergency fire kit
- Plan to defend your property or to evacuate in the event of a fire
- Emergency phone numbers
- Portable radio
- Torch and batteries
- Drinking water
- First Aid Kit
- Protective clothing (especially if going to stay and defend your home)
- Googles and gloves
- Fire Extinguisher
- Ladder, Shovel, hoses
- Towels and Woollen blankets (keep a woollen blanket in your car if you live in a rural area just in case as well)
- Storage box for all important documents, photos or valuables in case of a fast evacuation
Don’t wait until it is too late. Now is the time to get prepared.
Here’s a great video on being prepared: