Don’t Wait Until the Pigeons Move in, Have Your Solar Panels Birdproofed When They’re Installed

Pigeons are a huge problem in Townsville as they have a habit of nesting under people’s solar panels, making a mess of their roof, filling their gutters with droppings and debris, and limiting the efficiency of the panels. Once the pigeons have moved in, rectifying the issue can be a mammoth task. This is why we recommend having solar skirts installed when you first have your panels installed.

The Solar Skirt system that Gutter-Vac uses requires no gluing or screwing to attach the skirting to your panels. This means the panels will not be damaged in any way and there is no risk of voiding the warranty.

If you’ve recently had solar panels installed and know that there is a high number of pigeons in your area then feel free to give Gutter-Vac a call. We’ll be happy to provide you with a free quote and answer any questions you may have. You can contact us on 0412 309 379 or email us at

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