Happy gutter cleaning customer in Acacia Hills

Launceston Gutter Cleaning

“I have a watermark with the old method of cleaning the gutter. A lot of debris and dirt entered the tank so, this method is terrific. My initial contact with Fleur was very positive. She is so knowledgeable, helpful and friendly. Cody who did the cleaning of the gutters and lichen on the roof was very efficient. He was well presented, great worker and positive friendly manner.”

Alice of Acacia Hills, Tasmania

Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience with us, Alice. Your kind words are a testament to all our hard work here at Gutter-Vac Northern and Southern Tasmania. We hope to see you again next year!

Regular gutter maintenance is extremely important, especially if you rely on tank water as a sustainable water supply. If you would like to learn more, click here.

If you need your gutters cleaned, contact Gutter-Vac Northern and Southern Tasmania here for a free quote or call 1300 654 253 to book. We look forward to hearing from you!

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