Working at Heights to Clean Gutters

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Working at Heights to Clean Gutters

All technicians at Gutter Vac Tasmania are required to complete the ‘Working at Heights’ course. This course provides learners with the skills and knowledge required to work safely at heights, not only for their personal safety but for the safety of those around them too. 

The technicians understand how to identify industry requirements and create risk management plans, and follow work procedures and instructions. They also know how to safely access roof tops and install height safety equipment to perform their work in a safe manner. 

Even though the technicians have their ‘working at heights’, accidents can still happen, which is why it is so important to have insurance. Should a technician fall at a client’s property, being a commercial contractor working on said property, means the incident is not covered by the client’s insurance. If the contractor did not have insurance then the client could be held liable for the fall, having to cover costs like medical bills, damages or loss of income. Gutter-Vac Tasmania is fully insured. Customers can relax knowing that the correct measures are taken to cover all aspects of safety and if something was to happen, we are covered and so are you.