Office View Gutter Cleaning at Wayatinah and Florentine

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Office View Gutter Cleaning at Wayatinah and Florentine

Recently, Gutter-Vac Tasmania visited the Salmon Hatchery at Wayatinah and Florentine. It was nice to see some of Tasmania’s beautiful rivers and the Hydro Scheme running alongside the highway.

We stayed at Tarraleah, in the Doctors Annex. As we arrived on the Sunday night to be up bright and early for work on the Monday, we had time to have a wonder and take in some of the sights.

Gutter cleaning

The hatcheries had quite a lot of gutters to be cleaned and the heights of the buildings varied. We had to battle the weather, from scorching sun, where it felt like the soles of our shoes would melt on the roof, to the wind and the rain.

Large sites often have issues that are not identified unless a specific task is being carried out. With us attending the two sites, we were able to single out issues that required attention.

Now that the site has had a full gutter clean, a maintenance plan has been set in place for us to attend every year. This will ensure they are ready for the fire season.

We have complied to all the induction requirements and supply the business with a SMWS for work  each time we visit the site. As we have no height restrictions we can access any of the buildings on the site.

Do you have a business that needs a gutter cleaning maintenance in place?

We send reminders out every year to schedule the work when it is required. This work is not carried out without prior consent. We have all our insurances in place and all staff is trained at heights.