Our July Gutter Cleaning Trip to Devonport and Launceston

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Top Franchise 2017

Our July Gutter Cleaning Trip to Devonport and Launceston

The cold didn’t keep us away. There was ice in some gutters up until after lunch time.

We travelled north from Hobart this week to clean the gutters of our customers in our maintenance program. We covered Latrobe, Forth, Port Sorell, Launceston and even picked up another customer that wants to be added to our maintenance program.

He saw our trailer and gave us a call. He thought that vacuum gutter cleaning was a fantastic idea that would save his hands from a lot of pain. He also liked the idea of our maintenance program so that he doesn’t have to worry about his gutters again. We will take care of them for him.

Our work in Legana was very cold and misty as the picture above shows. We were able to use our ground kit while waiting for the roof to dry off.

If you would like to forget about your gutter cleaning and know that we will look after you gutter needs, then give us a call for a quote. Even if you only want a one off clean, we can give you a free quote. There are gutters out there that don’t require annual cleans, maybe every 2-5 years. We can still put you in our program for that period.

Why not call Gutter-Vac Tasmania and get your free quote today 1300 654 253