Creepy Crawlies in the gutters at Cardiff

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Creepy Crawlies in the gutters at Cardiff

One of the scariest things for most home and business owners is having an infestation of creepy crawlies in their home/business.

Debris in gutters becomes the perfect environment to breed insects and bugs, and also attracts other larger predators which prey on those bugs. Think mice and rats. Once the rodents start living in the gutters and roof cavity, there are all sorts of hygiene issues to deal with.

By getting your gutters vacuum cleaned, you are removing the environment that insects and bugs breed in, and therefore remove the food source for larger animals.

Get Gutter-Vac to vacuum your gutters before they become a home for unwanted guests.

Balls, balls and more balls in Budgewoi

There are lots of reasons that customers get their gutters cleaned, such as having mud and leaves filling up the gutters, blocked downpipes or leaking gutters, but at this residential job we found 15 balls in the gutters and downpipes.

Yes, the gutters were overflowing, and one of the downpipes was blocked with 3 balls. This is a customer that has their gutters vacuum cleaned every 12 months due to the amount of trees surrounding the home, but also to retrieve the balls for their kids.

You don’t need to have balls blocking your gutters to get them vacuumed, at Gutter-Vac we can recommend a preventative maintenance program to ensure that your gutters remain blockage free (and so your kids get their balls back).