Few people like cleaning out their gutters so the idea of installing a gutter guard system sounds like an attractive option. But there are 4 things you need to consider first.
- Even with a gutter protection system, your gutters will still require cleaning!
All gutters need regular cleaning – even after a gutter guard system is installed. In fact, many gutter protection systems make it harder to clean your gutters so be careful about the product you choose.
- The cost of installation.
A fixed gutter guard system is usually the most expensive option to install. You could consider using a soft plastic gutter guard product. They are inexpensive but they are a waste of time and money.
However, there is a gutter protection product on the market called Gutter Flow. It works very well and is a moderately priced alternative to a fixed gutter guard system. Get in touch with us, if you’d like more information.
- The cost of cleaning your gutters after installation of a gutter guard product.
Before committing to any gutter protection system, do your research to discover how much it will cost to clean your gutters in the future. Usually fixed gutter guard products cost around 4 times more than gutter cleaning with no protection, while push in plastic guards can cost 2½ times more to clean.
With a gutter protection system called Gutter Flow, the cost to clean your gutters is about the same as cleaning them without protection. The benefit is, you don’t need to clean your gutters as often with Gutter Flow installed.
- All gutter protection systems must comply with Council Regulations.
Are you required to install ember guards in your area? Ember guards need to be non-combustible with a hole gauge of less than 2mm. None of this will matter if you still have debris sitting on top of the ember guard. Again, that’s why regular gutter cleaning is so important.
Please remember, whatever gutter protection system you use, you will need to clean your gutters on a regular basis because mud, sludge and moss will always build up over time.
If you would like to end the chore of cleaning your gutters, call Gutter-Vac Upper North Shore & Northern Beaches on 1300 654 253. We’d be happy to give you a free quote. https://www.guttervac.com.au/locations/upper-north-shore-and-northern-beaches/