Gutters and the Environment

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We offer the very best gutter cleaning service available, using the safest systems at great prices!

Gutters and the Environment: an important link

Everything that goes down stormwater drains ends up untreated in our rivers, lakes and the ocean. This is where the connection between cleaning gutters and the environment should be appreciated and respected.

Pollutants in stormwater are having a disastrous impact on all aquatic life, not only harming fish, plants and wildlife but reducing the water quality for humans. The rotting debris that fills your gutters is extremely high in nutrients.
Whilst those nutrients are fantastic for your gardens, they aren’t fantastic for our creeks and rivers.
In fact, they are a pollutant.

If your gutters are full of debris when it rains two things can happen:

  • your gutters & downpipes may get blocked, possibly flooding your ceiling and damaging your property, or
  • the nutrient-rich waste from your gutters will wash into the stormwater drains and pollute our waterways.

Why is gutter cleaning so important?

A small white icon showing some tools

Prevents gutter rust

A white umbrella outline

Prevents water damage

A white bug with a line through it

Essential for pest control

White outline of fire

Reduces fire risk

Skull and cross-bones outline

Reduces water pollution

Shield outline with a tick

FREE report & evaluation

Gutter cleaning reduces waterway pollution

Gutter cleaning reduces the volume of chemicals entering our waterways. Rotting gutter debris is extremely high in nutrients that pollute rivers, lakes and oceans. Nutrient pollutants in storm water are having a disastrous impact on all aquatic life, not only harming fish, plants and wildlife, but reducing the water quality for humans.

You can do your part by keeping your gutters clean.

Water tank contamination

Cleaning your gutters will reduce the amount of debris entering your water tank.

Without clean gutters, all the water-born debris from your gutters will flow straight into your rainwater tank and contaminate your water supply.

In addition to cleaning your gutters to reduce water tank contamination, Gutter-Vac can also provide water tank cleaning services.

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Find a service provider closest to you. Just search using your postcode or view all locations by clicking here.

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We offer the very best gutter cleaning service available, using the safest systems at great prices!