Nic Anderson first met Clem Shand when they were both working on a hydro-electricity project in Western Kenya.

Both natives of South Africa, their respective career paths delivered them to the Australian mining industry. Mind you, it wasn’t long before they began looking for new and exciting opportunities.

‘Clem and I had kept in touch and he was telling me one minute that he was buying into a Yoghurt Store, before he rang me back and said ‘Forget that. Check out this Gutter-Vac opportunity!’ Nic says.

Clem launched his business in Mandurah in late April. Nic’s first job in the Northern Rivers of NSW was booked in while he was on training.

The mining industry’s loss has been Gutter-Vac’s gain – twice.

Nic Anderson can be contacted on 1300 654 253 or

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