This week’s entry is about the importance of a regular gutter maintenance program. Gutter-Vac Lake Macquarie was asked to clean out the gutters of a business which had another company clean them just 9 months ago. The business wasn’t impressed by what they saw growing from their gutters.
The picture shows how much dirt and growth was in the gutters at the Edgeworth business. If these were cleaned properly just 9 months ago then they will need to increase the number of times a year that they are cleaned. We have agreed to do an inspection in 6 months and based on the outcome of the inspection, a Preventative Maintenance Program for their situation will be developed.
The roof also needs to be washed to remove the build up of lichen, so Gutter-Vac Lake Macqaurie will be high pressure cleaning the roof in the coming weeks.
Gutter-Vac Lake Macquarie is able to provide both gutter cleaning and high pressure cleaning of roofs and paths in the Lake Macqaurie region. Give Noel a call on 0497 114 854 for a free quote.