If you’re thinking about installing Permanent Gutter Guard, please do your research. The common myth about installing Permanent Gutter Guards is that “You will never need to clean your gutters again!”
As Gutter Cleaners we are not against protecting your gutters but choosing the right guards can save you money and reduce the risk of damage to your property.
Permanent mesh guards does stop large twigs and large leaves form entering your gutters, but they do not stop seeds and pollen or dust and dirt from entering your gutters therefore over a short amount of time the build-up of sludge will occur and then you have provided the perfect place for vermin to live and breed in your warm ceiling cavity as they now have access to food and water and never need to leave your home.
The only way for a professional gutter cleaner to now clean your gutters is to remove sections or all of the guards, clean and then reinstall (we do not recommend Pressured washing your gutters, as this results in pushing water and sludge into your ceiling cavity). The removal and reinstallation can be expensive to have done regularly
Home Owners will consider gutter guard at some stage of their life, these are some things to consider when buying Gutter Guard
- Is the building surrounded by trees? If so – do these trees drop pollen or flower annually?
- Will the product be easily removed for gutter cleaning?
- The cost of removing, cleaning and reinstalling
- Will the product be effective and how often will you still need to clean your gutters?
- The initial cost V’s regular professional gutter cleaners
- Do you have a pest problem?
- Or do you live in an area considered to be Prone to Bush fire and is a part of the building regulations to the specific area?
As Professional Gutter Cleaners we have seen many different forms of Gutter Guard across Orange, Bathurst and the Central West and we continue to see how ineffective Permanent guard is and the added expense of cleaning Gutters that are full of debris.
The one common feeling amongst these home owners is that they are bitterly disappointed with the product as they have invested thousands of dollars and the product is ineffective and, in some cases useless.
The properties we service that have installed gutter guard are finding that the gutters still require gutter cleaning every 12 months to 2 years.