Well the Cairns Home Show has come and gone, and yes, the vacuum cleaning of ceiling cavities was high on everyone’s agenda. From the flammable ceiling insulation that was installed years ago, to the bird and rat problems that people in the north are having, cavity cleans and gutter guards were the talk of the town. You would be UNpleasantly surprised to know what’s in your roof.

It was a great weekend and awesome to be approached by happy clients and complimented on the service that Tim and I offer.

Many people over the weekend were seeking advice on gutter guards and what type of gutter guards would be best in their gutters, and how often they then need to be serviced.

Did you know that even if you have a gutter guard in place, you still need to have your gutters cleaned? ‘Set and forget’ is not the way that gutter guards were designed and don’t believe anyone that tells you any different.

Gutter Guards are great for keeping leaves and foliage out of your gutters, but no matter what sort of gutter guard you use, debris will still make its way into your gutters. The debris will break down and the fines go through the gutter guard, you will then find a build up of mud, dirt and sludge.

This mulch is the perfect place to then grow new trees. The seeds from nearby trees enter your gutters either by the wind or by bird droppings. These seeds then have the perfect environment in the sludge to begin to grow. Before you know, you can have a plant growing through your gutter guard from your gutters.

This build up in your gutters is also causing damage and rust to your gutters and down pipes and could very easily cause water damage to your fascia and ceilings.

To prevent this, even with gutter guard in place, you need to have your gutters regularly cleaned.

If you are interested in finding out which type of gutter guard is best for you, then please give me a call on 0424624461

Well the Cairns Home Show has come and gone, and yes, the vacuum cleaning of ceiling cavities was high on everyone’s agenda. From the flammable ceiling insulation that was installed years ago, to the bird and rat problems that people in the north are having, cavity cleans and gutter guards were the talk of the town. You would be UNpleasantly surprised to know what’s in your roof.

It was a great weekend and awesome to be approached by happy clients and complimented on the service that Tim and I offer.

Many people over the weekend were seeking advice on gutter guards and what type of gutter guards would be best in their gutters, and how often they then need to be serviced.

Did you know that even if you have a gutter guard in place, you still need to have your gutters cleaned? ‘Set and forget’ is not the way that gutter guards were designed and don’t believe anyone that tells you any different.

Gutter Guards are great for keeping leaves and foliage out of your gutters, but no matter what sort of gutter guard you use, debris will still make its way into your gutters. The debris will break down and the fines go through the gutter guard, you will then find a build up of mud, dirt and sludge.

This mulch is the perfect place to then grow new trees. The seeds from nearby trees enter your gutters either by the wind or by bird droppings. These seeds then have the perfect environment in the sludge to begin to grow. Before you know, you can have a plant growing through your gutter guard from your gutters.

This build up in your gutters is also causing damage and rust to your gutters and down pipes and could very easily cause water damage to your fascia and ceilings.

To prevent this, even with gutter guard in place, you need to have your gutters regularly cleaned.

If you are interested in finding out which type of gutter guard is best for you, then please give me a call on 0424624461

Well the Cairns Home Show has come and gone, and yes, the vacuum cleaning of ceiling cavities was high on everyone’s agenda. From the flammable ceiling insulation that was installed years ago, to the bird and rat problems that people in the north are having, cavity cleans and gutter guards were the talk of the town. You would be UNpleasantly surprised to know what’s in your roof.

It was a great weekend and awesome to be approached by happy clients and complimented on the service that Tim and I offer.

Many people over the weekend were seeking advice on gutter guards and what type of gutter guards would be best in their gutters, and how often they then need to be serviced.

Did you know that even if you have a gutter guard in place, you still need to have your gutters cleaned? ‘Set and forget’ is not the way that gutter guards were designed and don’t believe anyone that tells you any different.

Gutter Guards are great for keeping leaves and foliage out of your gutters, but no matter what sort of gutter guard you use, debris will still make its way into your gutters. The debris will break down and the fines go through the gutter guard, you will then find a build up of mud, dirt and sludge.

This mulch is the perfect place to then grow new trees. The seeds from nearby trees enter your gutters either by the wind or by bird droppings. These seeds then have the perfect environment in the sludge to begin to grow. Before you know, you can have a plant growing through your gutter guard from your gutters.

This build up in your gutters is also causing damage and rust to your gutters and down pipes and could very easily cause water damage to your fascia and ceilings.

To prevent this, even with gutter guard in place, you need to have your gutters regularly cleaned.

If you are interested in finding out which type of gutter guard is best for you, then please give me a call on 0424624461

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